Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.

Vice President of the University Council, Member of the Science and Academic Council


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.

Vice President of the University Council, Member of the Science and Academic Council


  • Ph.D. in International Business, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Thailand).
  • Bachelor in English, Advanced Political - Administration Theory.
  • Main Lecturer, Head of International Business Department, Open University of Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Member of the Board of Directors, Chief Communications Officer of Duy Tan High School.

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Cao Minh Tri had 12-year working experience in the Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union and Party Committee before his 18 years of experience teaching in the doctoral, graduate and undergraduate programs at 18 different domestic and overseas universities in the areas of International Business, Marketing, Branding and Strategy in English and Vietnamese. He has also worked as a consultant and trainer in those afore-mentioned fields for large enterprises, including Kien A Group, SCG Group, Saigontourist Import-Export Joint Stock Company, Saigontourist Travel Service One Member Co., Ltd.; and a number of companies, universities, colleges, and other units.

He has supervised 3 doctoral students, over 60 master’s students and 13 research students/groups who achieved ministry-level and university-level awards in recent years. He has published a number of scientific works nationally and internationally: 12 textbooks, study materials (as an editor or member of the editorial board), 7 research projects (as an author or as a contributor) and more than 60 published articles on economics, business administration, business strategy and marketing on domestic and international journals, seminars in the category of State Professorship Council of Vietnam.

“UMT is a university of happiness and success. At UMT, happy and successful can be found at work, in teaching, in learning and in life. This is our desire and also our responsibility – all of us – the founders and of those who are dedicated to UMT. Happy and successful people lead to a happy and successful organization, then a happy and successful community and ultimately, a happy and successful nation”, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Cao Minh Tri shared his thoughts enthusiastically.